Blogging Chester County Downingtown Online Life Photography

Wonderful Blog Post by Kristin

Abiah Taylor Barn (1724)
Abiah Taylor Barn (1724)

On Saturday morning, when I was checking my email, I received a delightful email from Kristin, who just started blogging on food and interior design, as she prepares for her relocation move to Texas with her husband.

Kristin was so polite in her email, and was asking for permission to use one of my photography images in a post, and included the draft for me to review.

After reading the draft, I immediately emailed her back, that I was delighted to have her consider any of my images, and she was free to use anyone she wished!

Today, I got another email from Kristin thanking me, and that she had published “A Brilliant Downingtown Photographer: Andrew Seymour” to her website!

Being human, I clicked on her link, and was transferred to her wonderful site, Silbury Hill, and was very pleased to see her final posting!

Kristin is also using her site to help sell her home, so if you know of anyone in the market, check out her website for more details!

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Ideas Note to Self Reference Thoughts

Dalai Lama on Man

I just found this on the internet today…

‘Somebody once asked the Dalai Lama what surprises him most. This was his response:’

Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived.

– Dalai Lama

Need to remember…

00 - Alerts Blogging Information Online Life Photography Reference Thoughts

Camera and Cops… Be Careful!

I have been seeing more and more of these types of articles, so I decided to start keeping track of them:

These along with others, should cause all those with a camera, to stop for a moment, and consider what you are capturing.

Normally, my work does not include publicly published people without consent, but after reading about “Esthetic Value”, I have to think about some of my other work.

Another thought, since I do HDR, I normally take several pictures, and the “Art” comes out later on the computer, but would that mean anything handcuffed in the back of a squad car?

When I was doing my “Cloud Hunting“, I did notice a Police car slow down, and take a second look…

More updates to follow…

– Andrew
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Blogging Gedankenexperiment Ideas

Mental Exercise – Ichthyologists

Mental Exercise – Ichabod Fisher, the ichthyologist, had a whale of a tail, as he floundered shrimping for prawns, that seemed to be all gone.

– Andrew
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Blogging Gedankenexperiment Ideas Note to Self Online Life Rants

Quiz me this…

Why should the DEFINITION of a Word, rank LOWER than an Advertisement?

  • dilemma (Google)
– Andrew
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