You know that you have been drinking too many carbonated drinks, when you tap on the top of your soup can before you open it…
Category: Blogging

Just a reminder that we are going to be having a Chester County (PA) Photography Meetup at Hibernia Park on Sunday, April 10 at 10am!
Please register so that we know who is coming!

Just got and email from the Editor/Publisher of Destinations Travel Magazine, that the April 2011 has been released, and my Photo Essay “The Covered Bridges of Chester County” has been included as the first of a planned three-part series of Photo essays!
Each photo essay is geared to be single 8 hour day trip.
Featured in this month issue (Day 1) are the following Covered Bridges:
Hope you enjoy them, and I would love to hear your feedback!
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A forum Post that looks at both Drupal and WordPress as a Novice User…
Highlights WordPress as the easier of the two to get up and running…
I have looked at Drupal, but really do not have the time to get into the coding aspect any more… does hide allot of the Developer stuff, which I am now slowly wanting to explore…
Good read for those that might be interested…
“Wake up community – should scare you!“
Update: Due to copyright issues we are no longer able to offer this service.
Just a reminder that the Devon Horse Show and County Fair Open in just 2 months!
Remember to contact us for Photography Session availability and rates!
For the latest information, check our Devon Horse Show page!