My son and I were out doing Saturday errands, when we happened by the Minquas Fire Company Open House, and what boy could resist Firetrucks…
A Long Way Up
Reaching for the Sky
Looking back
We spent about a half-hour wandering around, looking at the various pieces of equipment, and being very thankful, that these folks are under 5 minutes away from my home!
I am happy to announce, that I just learned that two of my images have been selected for the 2014 Where & When PA Calendar!
2014 April – [Dandelion Spring (2012)]
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2014 April – – [Wagontown Rd 026]I would like to thank the great folks at for selecting my images for the 2014 Calendar and I can’t wait to see these in print!
Here is a little something for this weeks “Manipulation Monday”, which is a combination of (3) images taken here in Downingtown earlier in the summer.
Fireworks over Marsh Creek State Park – Manipulation Monday
On a technical side, the (3) 16-bit RAW images where combined in Photoshop CS6, on my new computer, which did not even flinch when dealing with the 500MB file!
In monitoring the scratch disk space, it was bizarre for me to see that I still had 10GBs of free space available!