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October Cover for CLM

In early September, I got a chance to work with Jaimielynn Cooper of County Lines Magazine to shoot the October cover at Wolff’s Apple House in Media, PA.

After an hour or so of looking around at the various fruits and vegetables that were available to us, Jaimielynn & I  put together various scenes, took a couple of cell phone shots, and sent them back to the editors for review.

I thought to my self how much things had changed.

Gone are the days of shooting a test shot with a Polaroid…

The image slowly came together, and we captured this –

October 2014 Cover - County Lines Magazine
October 2014 Cover – County Lines Magazine

In the days leading up to the October release date, there were a few magazine sightings!

CLM October Cover - Ready for Distribution
CLM October Cover – Ready for Distribution

So check your news stands to get your copy!!

Thanks again to Jaimielynn Cooper and the other wonderful folks over at County Lines Magazine for this opportunity!

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American Civil War Pennsylvania Photo Restoration Photography

Lt. Col. John K. Robinson Restoration

This was one of those fun restores!

I was contacted by the client via email, and was told NOT to call her because it was a surprise gift for her husband!

Okay… No problem…

and could I scan it while she waited…

The picture could not be out of the house for very long, and they were retired…

It sounded like a movie script!

Needless to say, we connected, and I was able to produce the following –

Lt Col John K Robinson (Before & After)

Being the curious person that I am, I was able to find the following reports –

February 5, 1865, the command marched with brigade at 3 a.m. to Dinwiddie Court-House, via Reams’ Station, crossing Hatcher’s Run at Malone’s Bridge; met with very slight resistance; from Court-House the regiment was ordered on reconnaissance on Boydton plank road toward Petersburg. Captain McDowell’s squadron, Companies B and A in advance, went some five miles towards Petersburg; captured 10 or 12 wagons and 1 ambulance (from 46 to 50 mules included); made prisoners of 3 commissioned officers and 10 or 12 enlisted men (D. C. Clark, adjutant of Twenty-fourth North Carolina Infantry included); without firing a shot we returned to the Court-House. The command then marched to near Malone’s Bridge (Hatcher’s Run), and bivouacked at about 11 p.m., the Second Brigade forming rear of column and Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry forming rear of brigade, Captain Oliphant’s squadron, Companies H and G, acting as rear guard, who were followed closely by ten or twelve rebels, who fired occasionally into the rear guard, doing no injury, but capturing two men of G Company.

February 6, 1865, took up line of march at 2 a.m., and by a circuitous route struck the Vaughan road near Gravelly Branch at day-dawn; formed and cooked coffee; 8 a.m. marched with division one mile and a half toward Petersburg, where the whole division bivouacked; 10 a.m. firing commenced, at 2 p.m. our regiment ordered to make a dismounted charge against infantry holding a group of houses; the charge was made with complete success, both men and officers going in with more than usual coolness and bravery, making prisoners of at least 30 rebels. A flag-bearer was shot by one of our men, but the Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, being mounted, in our rear, charged through our line and gained possession of his flag. Not being sufficiently supported, we were obliged to fall back and take position on right of the original established line; in this charge of our regiment there were 2 men killed and 3 officers and 14 men wounded. A second charge was made, the rebels retreating and finally withdrawing entirely from our front. At dusk we were relieved by infantry and bivouacked.

February 7, 1865, extremely disagreeable; raining and sleeting. Regiment in line, mounted, from morn till night. Nothing to be seen in our front except a few Confederate cavalry pickets. Relieved at dusk and bivouacked.

Needless to say, it is very interesting in exploring the past!

If you need a photo that needs to be Restored, please feel free to contact me.

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Adobe Chester County Photo Essay Photo Journal Photography Tone Mapping West Chester

2014 Chester County Restaurant Festival

It was another beautiful day for the annual 2014 Chester County Restaurant Festival held in West Chester, PA!

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Adobe Announcements Chester County Events Holidays Milestones Personal Photo Essay Photo Journal Photography

Turning the Big Five Zero!

Here it is, some 50 years later…

Once again, it did rain, so with that in mind, the kids and I decided to play in the studio…

Still can’t believe I am really that old!

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4th of July Adobe Camera Chester County Events Lionville Long Exposure Nature Photo Journal Photography Tone Mapping

Fireworks & Super Moon

Yesterday was the annual Lionville Community day, which ended with a great set of Fireworks!!

Hope you enjoy!

On a technical side, this was my first real chance to use my new Canon T5i (700D), and for some reason, it takes SO LONG to cycle between pictures, even with a fast memory card!

I’m going to do some more testing, but my much older Canon XTi seems to be a much better camera for Fireworks.

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