Adobe Black & White Chester County Digital Painting Nature Nik Software Pastures Photo Journal Photo Manipulation Photography West Chester

Stylized Hay Bales

Folks that live in Chester County, or anywhere hay is harvested, have seen bale after bale just lying in fields.

So on this rainy day, I decided to take a second look at some of my images in my collection…

I am going to have to keep this technique in mind for future use!

If you are interested in how I processed these images, please let me know!

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Adobe Barn Chester County clouds Location Nature Nik Software Pastures Photo Journal Photography Tone Mapping

GPS Drive – Northern CC

Today, I got out for a GPS drive, to see what had happen after our quick little rain storm that passed through yesterday.

During the height of the storm, the larger than normal black walnuts in our back yard, where falling like small little cluster bombs, hitting the back deck with great thuds, while colorful leaves swirled in the air.

I did have concern that I would miss the fall colors because of this storm, but as I drove around, I did find that many areas in northern Chester County still had a fair amount of green leaves, but not for long.

This is my favorite time of the year for colors, and the GPS drives are just starting!

Hope you enjoy!

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Announcements Awards Chester County Coatesville Downingtown Featured Fields Hibernia Park Photo Journal Photography Streams

WhereandWhen 2014 Calendar Images!

I am happy to announce, that I just learned that two of my images have been selected for the 2014 Where & When PA Calendar!

Dandelion Spring (2012)
2014 April – [Dandelion Spring (2012)]
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2014 April - - [Wagontown Rd 026]
2014 April – – [Wagontown Rd 026]
I would like to thank the great folks at for selecting my images for the 2014 Calendar and I can’t wait to see these in print!

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Adobe Blogging Chester County Photography Science

Two Futures – Butterfly larvae

Swallowtail Butterfly larvae
Swallowtail Butterfly larvae

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Adobe Chester County Photography

Mennonite School parking lot

Mennonite School parking lot
Mennonite School parking lot

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