Today, I got out for a GPS drive, to see what had happen after our quick little rain storm that passed through yesterday.
During the height of the storm, the larger than normal black walnuts in our back yard, where falling like small little cluster bombs, hitting the back deck with great thuds, while colorful leaves swirled in the air.
Road through the Woods – East
Barn view of the hills
Corn, Corn, Corn
Barn in the Corn fields
Road through the Woods – West
Wild Grass in the Field
Corn field power
A gourd collection
I did have concern that I would miss the fall colors because of this storm, but as I drove around, I did find that many areas in northern Chester County still had a fair amount of green leaves, but not for long.
This is my favorite time of the year for colors, and the GPS drives are just starting!
I am happy to announce, that I just learned that two of my images have been selected for the 2014 Where & When PA Calendar!
2014 April – [Dandelion Spring (2012)]
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2014 April – – [Wagontown Rd 026]I would like to thank the great folks at for selecting my images for the 2014 Calendar and I can’t wait to see these in print!
On Saturday (7/27), I had a chance to revisit “The Rectory School” in Pomfret CT, for the first time in 18 years, when I had attended the 75th Anniversary ceremonies.
This time, I was there to mourn the death of a beloved teacher, “Swish” White, who helped to shape this young teenager back in the late 1970s.
It was a small sweet ceremony held at Christ Church, located right across the street, where I once sat in the pews, twice a week for three years.
Memories flooded my mind, as I looked around the old church with it’s beautiful stain glass windows and vaulted dark wood beams reaching high into the ceiling. The chosen music echoing in the air.
I sat with my daughter and Peter Rosengarten, listening to the tributes to Ms. White, for all the wonderful things she had done during her lifetime as a Wife, Mother, Teacher, Tutor, Mentor, Musician and Friend.
During one tribute by Mr. Groom, he made reference to the school play “Oliver” directed by Mrs. White, and how she was able to temporarily ‘tame’ the boys, and harness their energy into something wonderful.
Of course, Peter and I had to starting poking and pointing at each other, like the little school boys we had been, bringing a chuckle to those in attendance.
I was also very fortunate to be introduced to Ms. White’s daughter, Jesse, when I was still a student at the school, and the two of us have remained close friends for over 35 years, and becoming an adopted “Aunt” of our two kids.
At the luncheon held after the Service, I was able to chat with some of my teachers that I had not seen since 1995 or before: Mr. Groom, Mr. & Mrs. Seaward, Mr. & Mrs. Washburn and my first tutor Ms. Barker!
How does one cram half a lifetime into 5 minutes of conversation!
Eventually, Peter, Madison and I, found Jesse and told her we were going to walk the campus, and not to leave without saying good bye.
We walked to the colonnade, a common meeting point so many years before, and looked out at all the changes, trying to describe them to Madison.
Peter was far more versed in the changes, since he had just at a son graduate the year before.
For Madison, it was a chance to see where Daddy lived for three years of his life, including two surviving dorm rooms, and enhanced stories from Peter.
After about an hour, we head back to the church, and found Jesse, packing up for a more intimate family reception down the road.
We chatted some more, trying to comfort Jesse as much as we could, and updating our information so that if there were a need, we could easily communicate with each other.
Finally, it was time to depart.
We hugged and kissed and went our separate ways – Peter to a local comic book store, and my long drive home with Madison.
To Mrs. White – Thank you so much for those various seeds you planted so long ago! They have taken root, and continue to grow because of you. You will be greatly missed!