On the way to Mercer, I tried to find another small private bridge that I had read about, but after driving by the reported location, I could not find it and continued on.
I was easily able to find Creek Road, and continued through the park until the road split. Bearing left on Bailey Crossroads Road, I finally came upon Mercer covered bridge, which was built in 1860.
There was parking lot for the shots that I was planning I had to drive through the bridge and parked on the corner of Walter Road.
I grabbed my gear and headed back towards the bridge. Unfortunately the sun was shining directly into my face as I approached the entrance. There was just going to be too much lens flare for me to take a decent picture so I continued through the bridge and found my first acceptable location.
I took two different scenes, one from the road as if you were in the car, and the second on left side of the bridge, just below the road grade looking up.
While setting up for the second shot, I kept on being poked by thorns as I moved the tripod around trying to get a good frame on the bridge. Just one of the minor hazards, of working with nature.
After the second shot was complete, I moved back up the bank, across the road, and down the other side, but this time little more into the woods.
Mercer Covered Bridge HDR 03 (Reflections)
It was from this viewpoint, that I saw my shot of the day.
One of the great things about doing picture in HDR, is that water becomes “glass-like” because of the long exposures and multiple shots.
Finishing these HDR captures, I moved back to the road and through the bridge, down another small bank and was finally able to get to a suitable location from underneath the bridge.
From this vantage point it was easy to capture the geometric shapes of the wood beams, and in the background you can also see the location of the three previous shots.
Mercer Covered Bridge HDR 04 (Underneath)
Once I was done with this capture, I looked at my watch and new I had to pack up and start heading home.
I was very thankful that I had the GPS, because I really had no clue where I was.
It was a very pleasant drive home the temperature had dropped a little and felt good as I drove with all the car windows down and my music blaring.
Today is my first day using a GPS for this project, and boy, what a difference it makes! (Thanks Margie!)
After spending some time programming coordinates into the unit via Google Earth and CoveredBridgeMap.com, I was off!
After a beautiful drive down Rt. 82 south of Coatesville, I tried to find Speakman #2.
After getting to the end of Highland Dairy Road, talked with a gentleman that said that the surprise bad storms from couple of weeks ago, had made it impossible to get to the bridge. I had already read that one needed to contact the own for permission to visit, but with this info, I decided to continue on, and find Speakman #1 Covered Bridge.
Named for George Rapp, who ran the Snyder’s Mill in East Pikeland
Reconstructed in 1978 and 2011
Here again was an instance, where I had been over this bridge, many a times, while visiting a friend in that area and near gave it much thought.
I parked in the little lot to the right of the bridge, as you’re heading away from Phoenixville, and noticed a family of four, playing along the creek, enjoying the wonderful summer day.
Rapps Bridge (Main Sign) 065
Note – I did use Photoshop to make this read a little bit better…
From the Parking lot, I crossed the street, and setup to for this traditional long side shoot of the bridge.
Rapps Covered Bridge (Exterior Long View) 016
Moving a little closer to capture some more detail of the construction.
The flow of the river has cut out the roots of a tree on the other side of the bridge, which can just be seen in this picture.
Rapps Covered Bridge (Side Detail) 028
Then I walked under the bridge, and was captured by this view…
Rapps Covered Bridge (Underneath) HDR 043
This was my first shoot taken under a covered bridge, and I have been doing them ever since!