Madison and I Were on the deck checking out the garden, and as I passed our dessicated cactus, I noticed something interesting, and said “Cool!”
“What?” said Madison, as she moved to my side, looking where I was staring. Then she jumped behind me once she realized what she was looking at!
After a brief moment, she moved forward and said “That’s cool!”

The two of us spent a few more seconds looking at the moth before I went and got my camera.
If you have any idea what type of moth this is, please let me know!
It has been suggested that this is a pug moth, but with a quick look, one can see that there are hundreds of pug moths.
Many thanks in advance,
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140516 15:36 – After joining BugGuide,net, I posted one of the pictures above, and within 15 mins, I was able to identify this critter as a Male Lettered Sphinx Moth (Deidamia inscriptum).
What do you think?