I would like to congratulate the men of the St. Andrew’s Varsity 8 boat for the Second place finish in the Princess Elizabeth Cup at the Henley Royal Regatta in England this morning.
- Forrest Brown ’11
- Jack Hain ’11
- David Ashpole ’12
- Bobby Moffitt ’12
- Whiting Tennis ’11
- Sean Crowley ’11
- Rob Rasmussen ’12
- Jeff Rogers ’12
- Jameson Pesce ’11
Truly amazing to think, a small school in the middle of the corn fields of Middletown DE is the 2nd best crew in the WORLD! Something the each and every member of that boat should be VERY PROUD of, and it will be something that you will carry with you the rest of your life!
Out of the 6-7 billion people on the face of the planet, you gentleman are among the Top 20 rowers in the WORLD! – Congratulations!
– Andrew (’82)
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Jul 9, 2011 – “Tiny school makes big splash” (delawareonline.com)