Here is a little something for this weeks “Manipulation Monday”, which is a combination of (3) images taken here in Downingtown earlier in the summer.
Fireworks over Marsh Creek State Park – Manipulation Monday
On a technical side, the (3) 16-bit RAW images where combined in Photoshop CS6, on my new computer, which did not even flinch when dealing with the 500MB file!
In monitoring the scratch disk space, it was bizarre for me to see that I still had 10GBs of free space available!
The last time that I bought a new computer, was back in late 2003, just before my daughter was born.
I remember say to my wife at the time, I had to purchase the computer because there was no telling the next time that I would be able to purchase a new one.
This time, instead of paying extra for a mainstream computer, I decided to go to a local computer builder, and have a custom unit built for me.
I ended up with a Pentium 4 on an Intel motherboard, 4GBs RAM and a 100GB HD for around $1000.
At the time, it was a very speedy machine, but after many years of service, and countless upgrades, the machine started to show its age when trying to run Windows XP, Office 2007 and Photoshop CS3.
So the hunt started for an upgrade, and I was able to finally scavenge a base Intel Core 2 6400 box, which I am still using to write this entry.
My biggest issue with this current machine, is that I am running into some compatibility issues with Camera Raw 7 after upgrading to Lightroom 5 and trying to move files into Photoshop CS5.
There is also the occasion, when working on larger 1+GB TIFF/PSD files, I simply run out of memory.
Then, about 2 weeks ago, after a tough budget negotiation, I was given the green light for a new machine!
Now the question was what to get!
I knew what I wanted a machine that could run Photoshop & Lightroom as the main applications, which meant as much CPU and RAM that I could get!
Like any computer geek, I fantasy configured systems on the major computer websites, and knew that they were way overpriced for what I wanted.
I wanted a custom-built machine, but how? Another Local vendor? or via the Internet…
Or myself, which I had never done before, even though I have fixed hundred of computers over the years!
I started to look at several ‘You Built It’ websites to get a very rough idea of price and configuration, and was quickly overwhelmed with the various configuration options!
Even for a seasoned computer person, the various chip sets and sockets available made my head spin! I spent countless hours reading the forums on Tom’s Hardware so that I could make as intelligent decisions as possible!
At some point, I came to the realization, that I was going to be building this machine myself, and I started to venture into YouTube land to learn more about the basics of my new DYI project.
Finally, after many hours of research and internal debate, I finally placed my order:
This is a recent photo restoration I did of the US Air Force Graduating class (Sqdn 3710 – Flt 0011) at Lackland AFB from February 1969.
The original image is 10 x 20 inches, and as you can see, was torn in half, and not stored flat, which lead to a lot of cracks in the emulsion of the paper.
Graduating class (Sqdn 3710 – Flt 0011) – Lackland AFB – February 1969
I took me about 30 hours to get the final result that you see, and several good audio books.
If you are interesting in getting your own photos restored, please feel free to contact me for a free consultation and quote.
Last year, in early May, there was a dense cloud cover over the whole area, but the small group of us, still managed to have some fun with night-time photography.
Early in the week, the weather reports suggested that once again the Chester County area was going to have clouds, and as Sunday approached, watching the reports, I was skeptical.
By Sunday afternoon, I started to see posts from folks wondering when and where to meet, and it was agreed to meet at the usual location, the Boat Launch side of Marsh Creek.
All afternoon, I was looking at the sky, and by 7:45pm, I left the house.
While I drove along Creek Rd (282) heading north, I could peek through the trees, and began to think that our atmospheric luck was beginning to change.
As I turned right on N Reeds Rd, and looked over my shoulder into the horse field, I was greeted with this –
Hilltop Sunset – Super Moon 2013
I continued down the park road, and turned into the front parking lot,nearest to the lake, and was looking for tripods.
Passing the first group, I did not see anyone that I knew, and continuing on until I thought I recognized a truck, and then I saw a friendly wave.
After parking, I got out of the car, walking over to Dan and Brian, shaking their hands in greetings.
Canoes at Sunset – Super Moon 2013
We chit chatted as I unpacked and setup.
It did look like a good night!
Not perfect, but it will do, and for the next two hours, I had some fun with the event!
Canoes at Super Moon Rise 2013 – 04
Canoes at Super Moon Rise 2013 – 02
Canoes at Super Moon Rise 2013 – 01
Canoes at Super Moon Rise 2013 – 03
I knew I could not stay out late, and said my ‘goodbyes’, and headed home.
While driving back along Creek Rd, the brightness of the full moon pierced the leaves of the trees, making me think of a quick picture to end the night.
Eventually, I found myself in the small parking lot across the street from the new Minquas Fire Company Station House.
I was about 5 minutes late, but what are you going to do…
Back then, I remember that at the gates closest to the balloons, were packed with people and one could hardly move!
This year, the festival was held at Plantation Field Horse Trials just outside of Unionville, and the venue change alone was awesome! Chester County at it’s finest!
That being said, be prepared to walk, up and down the long public slope that features live music, arts & crafts and food booths.
In the small valley, the balloons were unfurled and prepared for flight.
The extremely long fence line offered great close-up views for hundreds at a time, which was a welcomed change!
Sunset at the Chester County Hot Air Balloon Festival at Plantation Field, Unionville PA.
Moon w/Patriot – Space Shuttle – Chester County Hot Air Balloon Festival at Plantation Field, Unionville PA.
Sunset w/Patriot – Space Shuttle – Chester County Hot Air Balloon Festival at Plantation Field, Unionville PA.
Detail Patriot – Space Shuttle – Chester County Hot Air Balloon Festival at Plantation Field, Unionville PA.
Detail Patriot – Space Shuttle – Chester County Hot Air Balloon Festival at Plantation Field, Unionville PA.
Earlier in the year, I contacted the festival organizers about getting some Passes for the Chester County Photography Groups (Facebook, Flickr, Google+ and Twitter) and they provided me with 5 All Access Passes!
I posted that I had the Passes to the groups, and with an hour, they were spoken for.
After several round-robin emails and phone calls, I was able to give John Griggs and Michael Weinstein their tickets for the event.
To say that we were not excited would be a gross understatement.
With the passes, we were able to walk freely in the Launch area, as the hot air was being blown into the balloons as they slowly rose into the sky!
Just before sunset, after most of the balloons had launched, the Shaped balloons began their rise, and a featured balloon was the Patriot – The Space Shuttle.
It is HUGE!
It is 190 feet Tall, 115 feet Wide and weighs 992 pounds! []
It is something that really needs to be seen live!
Some of the earlier launched balloons returned, and set up to do some night time glows for the large audience that was still there.
As 9:30 rolled around, there was a general slow exodus from the grounds.