RAP-B-121-UN7U Cell Phone Clamp

When I originally wrote my research review, and posted it on Google+, one of the companies that I heard from was, and they suggested that I take a look at their Model RAP-B-121-UN7U Cell Phone Clamp on their website.
After reviewing the information, we exchanged a few more comments on Google+, about my concern for the iPod slipping from the four fingers of the clamp, and I was reassured that the rubber and the tension from the string grips would be sufficient.
So I ordered a unit, and several days later, my box arrived, and I quickly put the unit together and on my tripod for testing in my office.
Interestingly enough, I did allow my kids (8g & 6b) to play with the clamp and my iTouch, while connected to my camera, and I did not see any real reason to worry if the iTouch was slipping, even as my kids removed and replaced the iTouch, several times. I did this to try to judge the grip strength.
They could do it, but not easily.
Testing on Land – Completed and qualified
My next test was going to be over some water, on a little damn spillway near me.
This was my first time carrying my tripod while the clamp was attached, and it became quickly apparent, that it was there.
At first, there was now only one way I could carry the tripod on my shoulder, without the unit poking me in the head or shoulder, and while climbing through the brush, it was another item that did get caught in the branches as I walked around.
Another thing that I wanted to check, while over water, was how easy it was to trigger the camera from the iDevice, and not cause any additional movement further up the tripod.
Yes, I tried this on land, but there is something about being over water, and about to trigger a 15+ minute series of exposures.
One already has to worry about the water rushing around the tripod legs causing vibrations.
I was happy to find, that the clamp did not seem to transmit any additional moment, and the iDevice seems to be more sensitive than I had realized!
If you are interested in a way to attach your iTouch to a Tripod, I would definitely invite you to take a look at this offering.
I am also still looking for a water-proof case for my iTouch, and the Clamp seems to have enough extra ‘reach’ that I will not have to by another mount.
Even though I did run into some issues while first working with this Clamp, that seemed more about me, learning how to best work with new equipment, then the function of the clamp, and I offer the following “Notes to Self”…
Notes to self
- Carry clamp in a vest pocket while walking/exploring
- Attach clamp prior to going over water
- Keep iDevice in a pocket till needed
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