Chester County Christmas Downingtown Holidays

Heads Up! – 2010 Downingtown Holiday Parade! (12/11 @ 2:30pm)

Just a “Heads Up” to the Holiday Parade this weekend! Hope to see you there!

For more information, check out the main event website!

Also during this time of the year…

Be VERY careful with your equipment!

A sudden change in temperature can cause condensation, which in turn could effect your camera’s electronic!

A quick Google found this…

Another “trick”, when coming from the Outside in, put the camera in a plastic bag while still outside, and then slowly introduce the camera to the indoors!

Also, there does seem to be a debate about keeping the camera in your coat… Personally, I am against this, because 1) You body heat is going to make for a larger extreme when you take it out; 2) Your body still sweats, adding moisture to the situation…

Also, your battery life may NOT be as long, so have extras, just in case!

– Andrew
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Blogging Chester County Downingtown Flickr Photography

New Adventures – Flickr, Facebook and Beyond!

Had a late in the day flurry of activity!

After posting my latest Japanese Maples studies images to Flickr, I got a Flickr-mail from “RealtorKimWood” say that she was the Admin for the Downingtown Flickr group, and would I like to become to help out with the group!

As we continued with our Flickr-mail exchanges, and as I started to investigate her Profile and Links, I found out that Kim also runs the “365 Things to do in Chester County” on Facebook, which I have been a Fan of for a long time, and have used the suggestions to figure out stuff to do with the kids!

Kim and I agreed to talk more after the Holidays, but hopefully, sometime soon, you will read about my suggestions of what to do!

For more information, you can also check out the “Chester County PA and Beyond” website!

– Andrew
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Chester County Downingtown Nature Photo Journal

Japanese Maple Studies

It been about 2 weeks since I have had a chance to do any picture work on the computer.



Something nailed our household. First one child, then Daddy, then the other child, then Daddy…

Oh well…

Yesterday, I finally downloaded an processed some images, and posted them to Flickr…

These particular images were taken while waiting for my daughter to get of the bus.

Maple Japanese 101112.054

Maple Japanese 101112.054

Maple Japanese 101112.051

Maple Japanese 101112.051

Maple Japanese 101111.033

Maple Japanese 101111.033

As for technical details, they were captured in Canon CR2 Raw format, then converted to Adobe DNG, and then tweaked in Adobe Photoshop CS3.

In Photoshop, I really did not do to much, which was a nice change of pace.

For more of my Japanese Maple Studies, check out my Flickr set at:

Andrew (SDC) - View my 'Japanese Maple' set on Flickriver

Hope you enjoy!

– Andrew
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Announcements Awards Chester County Flickr HDR Photo Journal Photography Photostream

Featured Photo & Photostream – Nov 2010

In checking my Flickr email this morning, I was surprised to see the following:

Photo and Photostream for the month of November.

Andrew, I am happy to inform you that your Photostream and photo of Glen Hope Covered Bridge will be featured in our Group for the month of November. The photo is really beautiful and we do appreciate you posting it with us.



Pennsylvania Covered Bridges

Again, I am deeply HONORED by this, and many thanks to all my visitors, contacts and friends!!

– Andrew
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Chester County Halloween Holidays Photo Journal Photography

Brownie’s Halloween Hay Ride

Today was the Brownie Hay Ride at Yeager’s Farm Market on Route 113 North, just south of Phoenixville.

As soon as Madison got off the bus at 3:30pm, she was asking if it was time to go yet.

I tried my best to make her understand, that she still needed to wait for another two hours!

Yeager's Farm Market 069
Yeager's Farm Market 069

She wasn’t buying it.

We did leave a little early, and were one of the first to arrive.

By 6pm, it seemed that everyone had arrived.

About 45 five to seven year old girls, 20 women parents, and myself. Talk about feeling like the odd “man” out…

Eventually, the group was herded on to a large Hay carrier, and toured the farm in country luxury.

All the girls were having a blast, which was easy enough to tell with all the screaming! (At one point, I did hear one of the mother’s say she wished she had brought aspirin because of the noise level!)

During the tour, I did manage to take a bunch of pictures, and those images will be posted on another site for all the Brownies and Parents to see.

Included here, are a few of the other images that I captured…

I was very lucky to get this capture. It was taken while standing up, as the tractor pulled the trailer over the dirt roads, as the sun faded.

Thankfully, I did capture it in raw/cr2, and was able to use Photoshop to bring out some of the lost details.

As time permits, I do plan on posting some more.

Thanks for stopping bye!

– Andrew
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