Bridges Chester County Downingtown Photo Journal Photography

Abandoned Train Bridge Over Downingtown (Pt. 1)

Abandoned Train Bridge (Downingtown) hdr 05
Abandoned Train Bridge (Downingtown) hdr 05

I had a very pleasant drive back to Downingtown via some very beautiful back roads. (Note to Self – Need to re-drive Route 163 South of Downingtown)

When I finally got to the intersection of Sugar Bridge Road and Rt. 322, where normally, I would have taken a Left on to Rt. 322, I could not.

Just in front of me, was the burned out shell of a SUV, that still was smoking and water was still being used to control the situation.

I made the required Right on Rt. 322, cut up Valley Creek Road, and on to Harmony Hill, down across Gibson, and finally a Right on to Rt. 322 toward downtown.

As the bridge came into view, I looked at the clock, and saw that I had about 30 mins till Madison got off the bus, so I made the Left on to Bradford Ave. and managed to find a small spot park just under some of the support legs.

I pulled out my gear, check the traffic, and crossed the road to the base of the extremely tall supports.

The leaves on the trees were still on the greenish side, but there where some yellows, and the wind was blowing white clouds quickly in and out of shoots.

I captured several HDR series of my location, including this one.

Another reason that I started down Bradford Ave., was to hopefully find and easy access point up to the bridge, but today was not going to be the day.

By the time I finished my captures, and packed up my gear, I had less than 15 mins to get home!


The following comments were part a topic thread on Facebook “Chester County (PA) Photography” page:

“I would be scared to death to go up there and take pics. I have been on the tracks near Commerce drive in Exton though. Good article.” – Lisa (2/29/2012)

“I live right by the bridge and trust me you do not want to go up there. Not too many years ago someone fell off of it onto 322. It is rusted in many spots.” – Elaine (2/29/2012)


June 7, 2015 – I have been getting a number of hits on this page lately, so I decided to take a look and update things…
– The Link below is not longer active on
– I found this Request 1 and Request 2 request on Facebook to “The Daily Local News”
– I have tried to find more details, even doing a general search on the PA State Police site, but found nothing…
– I have found records using a different search criteria, that do suggest a person, but I’m not going to publish that…
– I have also found videos on YouTube of folks walking around the bridge train tracks >> it is illegal to do!

Oct 8th 2014Downingtown Trestle Bridge Incident << No longer active

Additional Links

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Chester County Creeks Nature Photo Journal Photography Rivers Streams

Little Elk Creek

After finishing up with my images of Glen Hope covered bridge, I turned West, and headed up the creek to see what I could find.

It was easy to see, that the water level was down, which made it a little easier for me to explore and walk.

I ended up doing 5 series of HDR captures, and this is the first one that I have processed and published.

Little Elk Creek hdr 04

Little Elk Creek hdr 04

What do you think?

– Andrew
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Chester County Covered Bridges Flickr Photo Journal Photography Projects

Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889)

Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889)

Hickory Hill, Chester Count [38-15-02]

Finally, it seems that my project to photograph the Covered Bridges of Chester County is done!

It was a wonderful trip down to the “Southern Most” Covered Bridge in Pennsylvania.

I approached the bridge from the North side, and immediately knew I wanted to capture the windy road heading into Maryland.

Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889) - Looking South
Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889) – Looking South

Driving through the bridge, I parked on the small hill on the South side, and got out of the car.

While unpacking my gear and surveying Glen Hill, I really had to question myself on the location!

I thought I was back at Linton Stevens CB!

I did check the GPS, just to make sure…

I missed this bridge the last time I was down here in September by ‘fat fingering’ the GPS coordinates and driving into a townhouse area without any creeks, streams or rivers!

Waking into the bridge, I looked for the plaque, which is located on the Northern side of the bridge.

Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889) - Sign
Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889) – Sign

While taking my images of the plaque, a truck pulled up to the Southern entrance, and I signaled it go continue.

As the man passed me, he stopped, and we began to talk, and after a minute or two, he pulled over, and we began to talk more.

He introduced himself as Jamie Crouse of Crouse Auto Body in Elkton MD, and had lived in the area all his life.

As we walked and talked around the bridge, he keep telling me more about its history, such as the over weight truck being stuck inside the bridge during the 1960s.

Jamie also pointed out the char marks from the arson fire that destroyed the bridge in 1987.

Burn marks on floor - Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889)
Burn marks on floor – Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889)

Jamie continued to explain that a great of effort was made to recover as much of the original wood as possible for the rebuilding, which included Bongossi wood from Africa.

If you look closely at the floor in this picture, you will see large indentations, which were caused by the burning bails of hay and gasoline used to start the fire.

Some of the vertical posts still show charring from the fire.

He continued to say, that the two men responsible for the bridge fire are still in jail, and had also been linked to other arson attacks in the area.

On a more humorous side, he recalled that during his teenage years, two local girls visited Glenn Hope and other local covered bridges of the area, and carved “Boobless Wonder Strikes Again” on the down-creek side and “Woogie” on the up-creek side of the trusses.

We chatted a little more, and thanked him for the background info, and then he was off.

So now, where do I start my images?

The lighting was bouncing all over the place!

There was a stormy cold front passing over the area.

Short bursts of direct sun light, followed by various types of clouds, dark ones with rain and white fluffy ones.

Exposure nightmares!

But since I was doing HDR images any way, it really was not an issue.

Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889) - Looking South
Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889) – Looking South

In this image, you can see the Sun light popping in some areas, but not others.

HDR and ‘Mother Nature’ work wonders some times!

Underneath Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889) - Looking South
Underneath Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889) – Looking South

What I find most striking in this image, this the different layout of the support beams.

This was the first time that I saw the short ‘horizontal’ support beams instead of the long full-length ‘vertical’ beams of the other bridges, and certainly makes for a different visual capture!

I moved West up the Little Elk creek, and was able to capture this image looking East.

Looking East (Down Creek) - Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889)
Looking East (Down Creek) – Glen Hope Covered Bridge (1889)

Featured Image and Photographer (November 2010) – Pennsylvania Covered Bridges

I did move further up the creek and managed to rip my Domke jacket… My first rip in the 25+ years I’ve owned the vest!

Bummer… Not a bad rip, but…

I went up about another hundred feet or so, and took some more images of the rocks surrounded by flowing water.

I still need to process those, and post them in another entry.

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10/25/2010 – Finally posted the HDR images to PhotoShelter, Flickr, RedBubble and Panoramio accounts. Also updated the Google Maps.

10/18/2012 – Notes from a talk given at the Citadel Credit Union about the Covered Bridges of the Oxford area.

After my presentation, I got to chat with several folks about the bridges, and during one conversation, I was introduced to Joe Chamberlain, who was tasked with removing and repairing the bridge after the cement truck damaged the bridge in 1968.

He not only confirmed the story, but went on to tell me, that the truck had started over the bridge, got about halfway, when the rear of the truck fell through the decking. He also questimated that there were about  8 yards of cement in the truck, at +/- 4400 pounds/yard, or 17.6 tons on a maybe 10 ton limit bridge!

Mr. Chamberlain went on to tell me, that the top of the cement truck was still above the deck level, and that he and his crew had to dig into the creek bed to lower the truck enough for them to get it out.

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Barn Chester County Flickr HDR Photo Journal Photography Photostream

Lord Stirling’s Quarters Barn

I noticed this barn on Yellow Springs Road as I drove into Valley Forge National Park, and I almost stopped, but decided to investigate it later.

After driving around the park, up to the Arch and back down to Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge, I decided to head home.

As I drove back out on Yellow Springs Road, I had to stop and get some images because the clouds were just adding to much energy not to be captured!

I parked on the road side, grabbed my gear, and headed back to the barn, and was able to quickly capture these two images:

Lord Stirling's Barn hdr 19
Lord Stirling's Barn hdr 19
Lord Stirling's Barn hdr 23
Lord Stirling's Barn hdr 23

I am very happy to say, I did little post processing on these images, namely because, I did NOT have to!

I was also lucky enough to have the sun pop out at just the right time for these images. If you could see the frames just seconds before…

These images were captured as a series of HDR images, but I was able to single out the best “key” image with the clouds in mind using Photoshop CS5 HDR Pro. (One of my favorite new features!)

– Andrew
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Chester County Covered Bridges Flickr HDR Photo Journal Photography Projects

Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (1865)

Knox – Valley Forge Covered Bridge (1865)

Valley Forge, Chester County [38-15-15]

It still just amazes me.

Growing up in the area, I had been by and through this covered bridge countless times.

In my teenage years, it was a ritual to meet at the National Memorial Arch in the middle of Valley Forge National Park after the Prom, hang out, and maybe watch the sun rise. (At least that was the stated goal…)

With that in mind, why was this bridge so late in my project?

Don’t know, but I FINALLY got to it!

But when I first got there, my shot looked like it was in jeopardy because there was a repair crew looking over the bridge.

So I drove through the bridge from the Yellow Springs Road side, and turned left on Rt. 252.

I was headed toward the Arch. I had stopped by with Madison on July 30th, but was not happy with what I had gotten that day.

What was also adding to the day, was the weather!

There was a front coming through the area, with a great range of dark and light clouds.

I drove around, stopped a couple of places, took some pictures, and finally headed back to the bridge.

When I got there, I was happy to see the Repair Crew had gone, and there no cautionary signs, so I drove back through the bridge on Yellow Springs, and park in the little lot on the right.

I gathered my gear, and started to walk back to the bridge, crossed the road, and hopped over the guard rails to setup for my first shot.

Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (Exterior Long View) hdr 01
Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (Exterior Long View) hdr 01

From here, I moved down the embankment toward the creek, and what I really found striking, was all the flatted tall grass leading to the creek. Tropical Storm Nicole had moved through less then a week before.

It was a little unnerving to see clumps of grass in the tree limbs at eye level…

I got to the creek, and tried to find a good water shot, and captured this:

Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (Down Creek) hdr 02
Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (Down Creek) hdr 02

I then headed down the creek, and setup for this shot:

Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (Underneath) hdr 03
Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (Underneath) hdr 03

Pivoting to my left, I headed back up the embankment, and setup for this shot:

Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (East Entrance) hdr 05
Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (East Entrance) hdr 05

This shoot, actually took about ten minutes to capture because of all the traffic coming from three different directions, and with the sun popping in and out… It was allot if fun!

I walked through the bridge, and setup and captured this.

Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (East Entrance) hdr 04
Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (East Entrance) hdr 04

Again, this image took some time, and in both cases, I was helping to direct traffic.

From here, I jumped over the guard rail on the left, and captured this:

Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (Long Low Angle) hdr 06
Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (Long Low Angle) hdr 06

If you look carefully, you can begin to see the flatted tall grass on the left, but it does not approach what is just 10-15 feet further left!

Again, I climbed back up the embankment, crossed over the road, over another guard rail, and down the right side for an up creek view:

Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (Up Creek) hdr 07
Knox-Valley Forge Covered Bridge (Up Creek) hdr 07

From here I headed back to the car.

Another Chester County Covered Bridge captured!

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