Chester County Covered Bridges HDR Photo Journal Photography Projects

Jackson Sawmill Covered Bridge (1878)

Jackson Sawmill Covered Bridge (1878)

Georgetown/Oxford, Chester County [38-36-33]

Daddy PROMISED this would be our last bridge FOREVER!

Especially because it really smells of cow poop,,,

and all I can hear is mooing!

Daddy says they are just hungry… Just like our cat, Joy, when she is hungry…

Jackson Sawmill Covered Bridge (Exterior Long View) hdr 07
Jackson Sawmill Covered Bridge (Exterior Long View) hdr 07

I can’t believe he is taking a picture of the horse poop in the bridge!

Jackson Sawmill Covered Bridge (Interior) hdr 05
Jackson Sawmill Covered Bridge (Interior) hdr 05

Then Daddy let me take my own pictures with the BIG camera!

I told him to stand over there… Move this was… NO THE OTHER WAY!


Right there!

Click… Click… Click….

My turn!

Move this was…

Right there!

Click… Click… Click….

All done!

We then got back in the car, and drove to pick up my brother at daycare.

It was a fun day, in a weird way…

and then the next day, Daddy showed me this picture!

How he do that?

Photographer and Assistant
Photographer and Assistant

It was kinda fun… and I really like the cows…

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Tech Talk


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Chester County Covered Bridges HDR Lancaster County Oxford Photo Journal Photography Projects

Pine Grove Covered Bridge (1864)

Pine Grove Covered Bridge (1864)

Oxford, Chester County [38-15-22]

After more time driving, I saw this LONG bridge!!

Long View Pine Grove Covered Bridge (1864)
Long View Pine Grove Covered Bridge (1864)

There was also a waterfall that had geese swimming around, and I had sure that Daddy took a picture for Mommy!

Pump House & Pine Grove Covered Bridge (1864)
Pump House & Pine Grove Covered Bridge (1864)

He also found a way to get under the bridge to take this picture:

Looking Underneath Pine Grove Covered Bridge (1864)
Looking Underneath Pine Grove Covered Bridge (1864)

He is CRAZY!

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Cross Links


10/18/2012 – Notes from a talk given at the Citadel Credit Union about the Covered Bridges of the Oxford area.

After my presentation, I met many folks and one of those folks was Randy Teel of RNJ Plaques & Engravings, who had a story about Pine Grove bridge from 1973.

He told me, that he and a friend were driving home, and as they approached the bridge, they noticed some flames inside the bridge, and as they got closer, it was burning oil rags.

Because there were no cell phones, they had no way to quickly contact any additional help, but were able to use the available 10 gal “Indian” water tanks to put out the fire, then driving on to find a phone to report the incident to the police.

Randy and his friend, continued to drive home, and found another small fire on  Bell Bank Bridge, and were able to put this fire out, but decided not to report it, because it might not look very good.

– Andrew

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Covered Bridges HDR Lancaster County Photo Journal Photography Projects

White Rock Forge Covered Bridge (1849)

White Rock Forge Covered Bridge (1849)

Kirkwood, Lancaster County [38-36-18]

After stopping at Wawa to get something to drink and eat, we got into the car, and started to drive and drive and drive.

At first we were going fast, because we were on the highway, but after a long time, we turned and turned on to smaller and smaller roads.

Some times it smelled like poop. Yucky!

Finally, we got there, this what I saw…

White Rock Forge Covered Bridge (Exterior Long View) hdr 01
White Rock Forge Covered Bridge (Exterior Long View) hdr 01

and Daddy let me help with these…

White Rock Forge Covered Bridge (Long Interior View) hdr 05
White Rock Forge Covered Bridge (Long Interior View) hdr 05


White Rock Forge Covered Bridge (Road Ahead) hdr 11
White Rock Forge Covered Bridge (Road Ahead) hdr 11

but I did NOT go with him to take this!

White Rock Forge Covered Bridge (Underneath) hdr 06
White Rock Forge Covered Bridge (Underneath) hdr 06

then we got back in the car and drove to the next bridge…

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Tech Talk


September 3, 2010 – visitPA’s Friday Foto – (Underneath) hdr 06

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Chester County Lancaster County Photo Journal Photography Photostream Projects

What I did on Summer Vacation by Madison

This is my last day of summer vacation, and on Monday, I start the Second grade.

Daddy talked me into driving around to take pictures of Covered Bridges.

They are kinda neat.

– Madison
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Chester County Events Photo Journal Photography Sadsburyville

2010 Great Pennsylvania Wine Toast (Black Walnut Winery)

This started as a typical summer Saturday morning… What are we going to do…

I happen to be on my Facebook wall, when I noticed that the “2010 Great Pennsylvania Wine Toast” was being held today!

So I started to plot out the various Chester County wineries, and decided on trying the Black Walnut Winery in Sadsburyville.

I called an old friend, Ben, to see what he was doing, and he agreed that it would be fun to join us.

Madison, Logan and I got to Black Walnut Winery around 3pm, checked in, got some snacks and drinks and easily found a table near the front of the stage with some live music.

Black Walnut Winery (002) - Live Music

Black Walnut Winery (002) – Live Music

Slowly more people arrived, and some started to dance…

Black Walnut Winery (049) - Dancing and Music

Black Walnut Winery (049) – Dancing and Music

Black Walnut Winery (054) - Dancing and Music

Black Walnut Winery (054) – Dancing and Music

When the Official time approached, Lance Castle (Owner), got up on the stage and started the proceedings…

Black Walnut Winery (083) - Toast from Lance Castle (Owner)

Black Walnut Winery (083) – Toast from Lance Castle (Owner)

the view from backstage…

Black Walnut Winery (088) - Backstage View

Black Walnut Winery (088) – Backstage View

and onto the “Formal” group picture!

Black Walnut Winery (090) - On stage View

Black Walnut Winery (090) – On stage View

and finally the “money maker” shot!

Black Walnut Winery panorama Group 02

Black Walnut Winery panorama Group 02

Don’t let this “thumbnail” image deceive.

The original image is 8525 x 2849 pixels (or approximately 118 inches by 39 inches), and used three different images “stitched” together in a panorama!

Thanks to all the Folks at Black Walnut for the GREAT time!

– Andrew
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