Chester County Photo Journal Photography

Three (3) bridges in an Afternoon!

After spending the morning at a clients, I was able to go out photographing in the afternoon, and I let the GPS lead the way!

I was able to visit:

with a quick stop at St. Matthew’s Church after seeing “it” from the road.

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Tech Talk


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Chester County Covered Bridges Downingtown Photo Journal Photography Projects

Gibson’s Covered Bridge (1872) – Part 1

Gibson’s – Harmony Hill Covered Bridge (1872)

Downingtown, Chester County – [38-15-10]

After I finally got to the bridge, it started to rain, so I was confined to shooting inside the bridge.

Gibson-Harmony Hill Covered Bridge 015 (Long Interior View)
Gibson-Harmony Hill Covered Bridge 015 (Long Interior View)

Tried to scout for future shoots, and did see several, but the weeds are so over grown at this point, it is not worth the effort.

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Tech Talk


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Chester County Events Photo Journal Photography

2010 Devon Horse Show

It has been a number of years since the last time that I had a chance to go to the Devon Horse Show, and this year was extra special.

This year, I was able to bring my daughter to the spectacle!

Being 6 years old, she is the prime age for seeing a live world class horse show event, and even better, it is right in our back yard! And on a Friday night!

So, we headed off on another one of our famous “Daddy Dates”…

Trying to find Parking was fun, and it seems the local entrepreneurial home owners are no longer doing the “Park on my Lawn” for $5.00 any more.

Finding a good spot is always a good sign the person/car is local…

The walk to the show was hot and humid, and there was much thought that it was going to rain.

Once inside, the show was packed, the 7pm shows were just starting.

We walked around the main ring, moving in and out of the armies of teenagers just “hanging out”, and a glimpse into my daughters future.

We finally found a great spot, and settled in for the “Open Jumper-Gambler’s Choice” event, right next to the “Joker’s jump”.

There were 10 jumpers, and my daughter watched in amazement.

(You can see more images in the “Events” section under the Photography tab, or on and

After the jumpers where finished, we walked around the grounds some more, watched the fancy carriages warm up, and then wondered through the games and onto a pizza dinner with some ice cream for desert.

When we finally got home, I was very surprised that my daughter had not fallen asleep, but once inside, it did not take long.

Another successful “Daddy Date”!


I am happy to announce that this image won first place on Flickr’s “Women At The Reins“!

Devon Horse Show 015

Thank you to all those who voted!

– Andrew
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Blogging Note to Self Pennsylvania Personal Rants Thoughts

Not invited to the Party…

I just got back from trying to vote in the PA primaries…

As the volunteers were schmoozing my six-year-old daughter, I was asked what Party I was with, to which I said, “I’m unclaimed”, and proceed to look at the map of where to go.

I heard a women behind me say, ‘you need to think quick or you can’t vote’, to which I turned around and said that I am a registered Independent. (Have been since I was 18)

The group of volunteers then told me that during primaries in PA, only registered Democrats and Republicans can vote.

Yes, I had forgotten this little detail of politics, and yes it ticked me off the last time…

So because I have declared my independence of either party, I am segregated because… Why?

“Not good enough”?

“Not clean enough”?

“Not a follower”?

Folks, it was called the Declaration of Independence, that formed our government here is Philadelphia over 234 years ago!

As my daughter and I left, I did have some comments to the volunteers about how this “rule” is just part of the corruption of a two-party system, and that both parties are failing the people, and things need to change.

So much for trying to illustrate to my daughter the importance of voting as a civic duty.

She and I did talk more about it back at the car…

Wonder which “Party” she is going to choose?

Chester County Photo Journal Photography

The Floating Doll Pool

It was beautiful spring day, and the temperatures were perfect.

When we got to my sister’s house, the kiddy pool was already out, and warming in the morning sun.

My niece, Katelyn, and two nephews, Kyle and Nicolas, had already brought out all the dolls, and had them scattered all over the driveway.

As soon as we got there, Madison and Logan had to join in the fun, and for the next hour or so, mayhem ensued.

Finally, there was a call for food, and everyone picked up, and went inside for the lunch buffet.

As people got their food, I remembered that I had forgotten my camera, and needed to capture the moment.

I headed out to the car to get my camera, and as I walked by the pool, I noticed the floating dolls slowly moving around from the gentle breeze.

I looked again, and further noticed the dolls had started to clump together.

I had to go back in because the cake was about to be cut, but I knew I needed to return, which I did about 20 minutes later, and I was greeted with the following scenes.

Dolls floating in the pool (Overview 01)
Dolls floating in the pool (Overview 01)

Moving in a little closer…

Dolls floating in the pool (Overview 02)
Dolls floating in the pool (Overview 02)

Another view…

Dolls floating in the pool (Overview 03)
Dolls floating in the pool (Overview 03)

and one of the more interesting ones…

Dolls floating in the pool (A View to a Kill)
Dolls floating in the pool (A View to a Kill)

There is something very odd about these images…

Kind of like…

Not wanting to look at a car crash…

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