I do take issue with his Bulb settings (#2) comment.
Looking back into my collection…
Canonet (circa late 1960s) – B on the Lens
AE-1 (circa early 1980s) –  B on the Dial
F-1 (circa mid 1980s) – B on the Dial
PowerShot A70 (circa early 2000s) – M on the Dial
PowerShot SX130Â (circa early 2010s) – M on the Dial
Rebel XTi (circa 2007) – M on the Dial
Rebel T5i (circa 2014) – M on the Dial
What my data suggests, that you might be referring to an older analog film based camera, and if memory serves me correctly, Nikon did the SAME THING on their line during that time!
In both cases (Canon vs Nikon), it was the nature of analog film cameras to have the Speeds on the Upper Dial and the Aperture on the Lens itself.
These days, both are done via the various digital modes, one being (M)anual.
Dan also makes a good point to “know your location” and to be able to “adjust quickly”. (#4)
In the various years that I have photographed the Good Neighbor Fireworks, their launch area does seem to be a moving target from year to year!
In any case, enjoy the tips and have a GREAT 4th of July Weekend!!
Images of the quarry at St Peter's Village in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
My sister has been talking about St Peter’s Village for some time now, and with the kids just starting vacation, I was looking for something quick and easy to do.
After taking a scenic 30 minute drive, we parked and walked up the small little hill to the quarry, and from there I took these quick images.
Images of the quarry at St Peter’s Village in Chester County, Pennsylvania.Images of the quarry at St Peter’s Village in Chester County, Pennsylvania.Images of the quarry at St Peter’s Village in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
In image processing, I went with a higher saturation and vibrancy then normal, to emphasize the colors from the paints and chalk that have dripped down over the rocks from the graffiti art, but the greens of the trees became to “hot”.
I took the color image and converted into a Black and White layer, and from there I cut a mask to enhance the colors of the rocks.
Certainly not the image I had in mind when I stood there, but I kind of like it.
As I got to the dirt road, I heard a voice call my name, and it was Brian A, a fellow local photographer in his car with his wife, and they were leaving.
We chatted for a little bit, and I headed off for my well deserved beer!
It was quit noticeable, the lack of balloons in the air, just laying on the ground like colorful shadows…
Walking to the Victory beer truck, I did see someone was taking advantage of the strong winds, by flying a very colorful kite!
Flying a colorful kite at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Flying a colorful kite at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
You might be able to notice, the long grass had just been cut, and was laying in the sun to get dry, but that did not stop the children from building hay forts in the fields!
Children playing in the drying hay at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Children playing in the drying hay at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Children playing in the drying hay at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Children playing in the drying hay at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
I finally got my beer, and quietly drank it, as I surveyed the fields and the setting sun…
My stomach and nose also told me, it was time to get something to eat, so I ventured back up the hill and into the vending area.
Images taken of a smoking grill during sunset at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Images taken of a smoking grill during sunset at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Images taken of a smoking grill during sunset at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
and of course, there were kids and parents all over the place!
Images of Parents and their Children at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Images of Parents and their Children at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Images of Parents and their Children at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
All eyes were on this man and his flying kite! –Â As long has his kite was flying high in the air, no balloons were taking off!
Image of the FAA Kite Man, monitoring the winds at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Eventually, one brave group decided to give a balloon raising a try!
Glowing flames at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Glowing flames at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Glowing flames at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Glowing flames at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Glowing flames at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Glowing flames at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Glowing flames at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
Glowing flames at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
As the sun faded, the temperature began to drop.
Folks began to cuddle up, as a few more balloons attempted to fill the night sky.
A couple cuddle up during the flame glows at the Chester County Balloon Festival.
But the winds refused to die down, as the balloons began to slowly sink back to the ground, a mere shadow of what they could have been.
[18:38] - On Green Valley Road, about 150 yards from the last image.
Logan did his best, but the early afternoon at the Brandywine Food & Wine Festival had wiped him out, so I dropped him at Home, and  went back out the door for my second event of the day.
[approx 17:30] – Driving south on Rt 162, the traffic seemed a little bit heavier, but as soon as I got to the intersection of Doe Run Road (Rt 82), I knew it was going to be a long wait…
[18:03] – It took me about a 1000 yards and 30+ minutes until I could grab my cameras and start recording things around me and Posting them to Facebook.
[18:03] – About Halfway between Rt162/Rt82 intersection and Green Valley Road. If you look carefully, there is a car/van turning around.[18:26] – The top of Green Valley Road just a head! You can see the traffic from the other direction. – Images taken while waiting in line for the Chester County Balloon Festival.[18:38] – On Green Valley Road, about 150 yards from the last image. – Images taken while waiting in line for the Chester County Balloon Festival.[18:44] – On Green Valley Road, almost there!! Damn, can’t Post to FB… No signal… and my battery is low… – Images taken while waiting in line for the Chester County Balloon Festival.[19:08] – I can finally see the entrance to Plantation Field and hear some music!
[19:13] – I am second in line to turn into the Parking area, but a car of people just pulled out yelling there were not going to be balloons tonight!
[19:21] – I need at least a beer after this… Then I’ll decide about what to do…