Chester County Creeks Downingtown Events Hurricanes Photo Essay Photography Streams Water Weather

Norwood Rd Creek (1/11 5/11 10/12)

Hurricane Sandy passed through our area early last week, and since then, I have gone out several times to take advantage of the photographic challenges that such a storm presents.

The following is a triptych created out of three images from

on a small little back road of Downingtown, Chester County PA.

To get the FULL image, you may need to Zoom-In, 2-times, by Double-Clicking (1000×588).

Norwood Rd Creek (1/11 5/31 10/12)
Norwood Rd Creek (1/11 5/31 10/12)

More of my Hurricane Sandy adventures can be found in my blog.
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Chester County Creeks Downingtown Hurricanes Marsh Creek State Park Nature Pennsylvania Photo Essay Photo Journal Streams

Marsh Creek Spillway (9/12 vs 11/4)

A comparison of the spillway dam in Marsh Creek State Park. (Sep ’12 vs Nov ’12) – In the September picture, I am standing in about 4-6 inches of water. — at Marsh Creek State Park.

To get the FULL image, you may need to Zoom-In, 2-times, by Double-Clicking (1500×618).

Marsh Creek Spillway comparison (9/12 vs 11/4)
Marsh Creek Spillway comparison (9/12 vs 11/4)
– Andrew
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Chester County Creeks Downingtown Hurricanes Marsh Creek State Park Nature Photo Essay Photography Streams Water

Sick of Politics and went for a walk

After spending my Sunday morning, reading all the various headlines, weeding through the rhetoric and engaging in several spirited conversations, it was time to get out of the house.

Especially with the kids!

We backed up, and headed to the Marsh Creek Dam trailhead, and started our Sunday Family nature walk.

The three of us were eager to see what the water level was, since hurricane Sandy had passed over our area earlier in the week.

As we headed down the hill, in the distance, one could see the rapid flow of water as it traveled down the spillway, and by the time we reached the USGS station, it was easy to hear the water thundering over the dam.

From the observation area, we were amazed at the power in front of us.

We walked along the trail, enjoying the first cold weather of the season as we headed for the metal bridge.

After some time, we headed back to the car, as I commented about my adventures to this area back in September.

At dinner, all the kids could talk about was the flooding and the smell!
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Chester County Creeks Downingtown Events Nature Photo Journal Rivers Water Weather

pre Hurricane Sandy

After spending much of the day, waiting for Hurricane Sandy, I finally got so stir-crazy, that I grabbed my camera and headed put for a quick drive around the neighborhood to see what ‘life’ looked like, and here is what I saw…

You might also be interested in taking a look at last years Hurricane Irene photos.

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Chester County Downingtown Photo Journal Photography Tone Mapping Trails

Rt. 322 – E Branch Brandywine Trail

Image taken on a late fall nature walk along the Rt. 322 Trail (East Branch Brandywine Trail) in Downingtown, Chester County, PA.

Late fall nature walk along the Rt. 322 Trail (E Branch Brandywine Trail) in Downingtown, Chester County, PA.
Late fall nature walk along the Rt. 322 Trail (E Branch Brandywine Trail) in Downingtown, Chester County, PA.

We were actually walking back to the car, when we saw this in front of us.

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