Announcements Chester County Downingtown Flickr Online Life Pennsylvania Photography

2010 – Downingtown Photo Contest – WINNERS Announced!

I would like to thank all those that participated in the First and hopefully Annual Downingtown, PA Flickr group Photo Contest!

When I originally posted the idea for the contest back in December, I was afraid that it was going to go no where quickly!

But we got 23 entries from 11 different members!

So without further adieu… I present the Winners!

Winner of the 2010 – Downingtown Photo Contest

Autumn Walkway

Nina Cazille with 15 points!

Second Place


LanieB1966 with 12 points!

Third Place

The Persistence of Memory: Life is So Complicated

Entropic Remnants with 10 points!

Honorable Mentions

LanieB1966 (9 points)
The Persistence of Memory: The Wheels are Still
Entropic Remnants (8 points)
shaknpolaroids (7 points)

Thanks again for participating, and another Congratulations for some wonderful images!

Thanks for Sharing!

– Andrew
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Adobe Chester County Flickr HDR Nature Photo Journal Photostream

12+ inches of overnight Snow!

Day After a Heavy Snow (041)
Day After a Heavy Snow (041)

Last night, we were suppose to only get 6″-8″ over night… at mid-night, when we looked on to the deck, there was easily another 12″ inches…

This morning, there was over 19″ total inches on our porch, 4″-5″ of which was from the storm late last in the week…

I know many people saying that they are ready for Spring already, this has been one of the snowiest December to January’s on record, and we have not even gotten to mid-season yet!

How we forget the two Blizzards in February, nearly back to back almost a year ago!

The schools were closed for a second day, and it easily took me an hour and a half to get all the snow off our driveway, and then finally, I was able to spend a few minutes with my camera out in the snow.

Wish I could have been more…

– Andrew
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Announcements Flickr

20,000+ Image Views and 2,000 Photostream views!

I have been amazed at watching my Flickr logs explode!

In approximately 88 days, I have added over 10,000 Comments and Image Views, and topped the 2,000 View mark on my Photostream!

During this adventure, I have had MANY wonderful “e-conversations” with people from around the world!

And if you want to see some absolutely BEAUTIFUL images, check my Flickr Favorites!

Thank you to one and all of my Flickr Friends!

– Andrew
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Announcements Blogging Chester County Facebook Flickr Online Life Photography

PhotoShare-MakeOver Projects Announced!

During several e-conversation with John Griggs, we came up with the idea of the “PhotoShare-MakeOver” Project(s) for the CCPP (“Chester County (PA) Photography“) group!

The concept is simple.

  • A common file is made available to everyone interested;
  • People download the file;
  • People “play” with the file in their UNIQUE way;
  • Repost to Group;

From there, hopefully, open and honest comments can be made.

Hopefully Everyone is going to have fun and learn something!

– Andrew
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Chester County Downingtown Flickr Nature Pennsylvania Photo Journal Photography Photostream

First Snow Fall – Norwood Road Stream

Snow Thistle (023)
Snow Thistle (023)

The past two nights, we had our first snow falls of 2011.

It was nothing major, about 3″-4″, enough to give the ground a good covering, and then some.

I was not able to go out Friday, but after running Family errands all Saturday, I finally got some time at the end of the day!

Grabbing my gear, and knowing that I did not have much light left, I jumped in my car, and headed to the little stream area off of Norwood Road in Downingtown.

Having driven up and down this road thousands of times, I knew of a small little parking area, about mid-way down the road. After parking, I realized that it also seemed to be an entrance to an ancient access road.

Snow Stream hdr 08
Snow Stream hdr 08

Now I was ready to go! I through my camera bag and tripod over my shoulders, and headed slight back out the road, and into the woods.

Having never walked this area before, it was funny breaking new territory with the fresh snow, but finding trails was very difficult.

Eventually, I did find two sets of prints in the snow: boots and paws, and by the looks of the paw prints, that canine was having allot fun!

I had to cross the stream, back and forth several times, scouting and shooting with each adventure, and I was capturing everything in multi-exposure HDR.

It was getting colder by the minute, and I was not collapsing my tripod with each shoot, which on several occasions, also doubled as a nice balancing rod!

Snow Stream hdr 13
Snow Stream hdr 13

Slowly, I moved up stream, finding many wonderful shoots, and taking in the beauty of the moment.

After about an hour, the light was getting too low and so was the temperature.

I crawled back up to Norwood road, startling homeowner across the street, shoving their driveway, as I broke through the trees.

It took me a few more minutes to get back to the car, and another seemingly successful outing.

– Andrew
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May 31, 2011 – With the Winter memories slowly fading away, I finally got a chance to revisit Norwood Road Creek with my son, Logan, for an afternoon walk in the cold water!