I started posting on Facebook, Flickr, Google+ and Twitter a while ago, so everyone knew it was coming…
Last year, in early May, there was a dense cloud cover over the whole area, but the small group of us, still managed to have some fun with night-time photography.
Back in April, we gathered for the Lyrid meteor shower, but did not see anything with the naked eye, but did manage to do a few light drawings!
Early in the week, the weather reports suggested that once again the Chester County area was going to have clouds, and as Sunday approached, watching the reports, I was skeptical.
By Sunday afternoon, I started to see posts from folks wondering when and where to meet, and it was agreed to meet at the usual location, the Boat Launch side of Marsh Creek.
All afternoon, I was looking at the sky, and by 7:45pm, I left the house.
While I drove along Creek Rd (282) heading north, I could peek through the trees, and began to think that our atmospheric luck was beginning to change.
As I turned right on N Reeds Rd, and looked over my shoulder into the horse field, I was greeted with this –

I continued down the park road, and turned into the front parking lot,nearest to the lake, and was looking for tripods.
Passing the first group, I did not see anyone that I knew, and continuing on until I thought I recognized a truck, and then I saw a friendly wave.
After parking, I got out of the car, walking over to Dan and Brian, shaking their hands in greetings.

We chit chatted as I unpacked and setup.
It did look like a good night!
Not perfect, but it will do, and for the next two hours, I had some fun with the event!
I knew I could not stay out late, and said my ‘goodbyes’, and headed home.
While driving back along Creek Rd, the brightness of the full moon pierced the leaves of the trees, making me think of a quick picture to end the night.
Eventually, I found myself in the small parking lot across the street from the new Minquas Fire Company Station House.
I was about 5 minutes late, but what are you going to do…

From here, I headed home…
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Facebook Profile picture for Minquas Fire Company!