In checking my Flickr account this morning, there was a Message from Adam Currell, identifying a women in a photograph I took in 1985, with an image that he had done around the same time!

Now what do you think the chances of that happening!
My Photostream –
In checking my Flickr account this morning, there was a Message from Adam Currell, identifying a women in a photograph I took in 1985, with an image that he had done around the same time!
Now what do you think the chances of that happening!
I was lucky enough to have a free day to go out and do some shooting.
The later Summer, early Autumn weather has been relatively warm, and no cold snaps to set the leaves into colors yet, but I was still going to go out.
If anything, just to do some scouting.
So off I went…
I love having a GPS!
After about an hour of just driving around, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the Morgantown, Churchtown and Honey Brook areas, I headed toward Hibernia Park to find the spot I had surveyed earlier in the Summer on another GPS drive.
After parking in the small little lot, I equipped myself, crossed the bridge and down the trail to find a way to creek edge.
What had caught my eye about this section before, was the bigger rocks and swifter water flow.
I was hoping for more color in the canopy over the water, but it was not going to be…
Even without the real reds and oranges of Fall, this part of the Brandywine presented many nice sections of water action, and found myself setting up and capturing several section during my creek walk.
As I crawled across a fallen tree, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, a single small white mushroom, growing in the hollowed out root ball of one of the trees.
Setting up my tripod for this shot, was very difficult because of the angle I needed to see into the stump, and having a stable platform to do the multiple shoots needed for HDR, but I think it was worth it.
After several weeks of ‘conversations’ online, we finally gathered at Hibernia County Park for the first Meet-Up of the “Chester County (PA) Photography” – Facebook/Flickr groups!
What is always very interesting at First meetings that start via the internet, is the real person behind the profile icons!
Also helps with not having to create or bring “Hello/My Name Is” name tags!
We meet at the main parking lot for the mansion at Hibernia County Park, and then drove down the hill toward the “Old Damn” Area, which was already rather full with fisherman.
From the parking lot, we started down the Forge Trail, which follows the West Branch of the Brandywine Creek.
For me, this was a second visit.
The last time that I had been here was seven months ago, just after Tropical Storm Nichole in early October 2010.
On a technical side, this was my first chance in trying out my new Tiffen Digital Neutral Density Filter Kit!
The Kit includes a 0.6ND, 0.9ND and a 1.2ND, and the concept of playing with an additional 9 stops was very intriguing, especially around water!
When the group got to a cleaning next to the water, all the tripods sprung into action, and camera bags flying open in all directions.
Not wanting to be left out, I started to look for a good entrance point into the water, and then waded in.
It was cold, was not too bad.
On the way back to the trail, I did manage to slip, and dunk my arm put to my elbow in the creek!
My vest did touch the water, but the pocket liners kept everything dry!
I did not need to lose another camera to water, like I did back in college at Watkins Glen (NY) when my Canon A-1’s neck-strap broke.
We continued down the trail toward the small fishing pond, where there were many people enjoying the day.
Stopping at the small little bridge, we spread out to capture the sights around us.
One vary popular subject, was the small little water fall on the down stream side of the bridge.
From the bridge, we head down Lion Heads Drive and toward “The Wall”.
After a little stop, we found another interesting area, which had a very strange attribute.
As one walked from the road toward the creek, there is a large area that has an intense orange color in the dirt and a blueish sheen.
Once on the other side of the mess, I crossed a little island, and found a spot.
We turned around at Cottage #1, and headed back to the parking lot.
When we got back to the small fishing pound, Jason headed directly back to his car via the trail, while the rest of us continued up Lions Head Drive.
We passed the Mansion and headed back down the dirt road to the Upper Damn Area parking lot.
In the parking allot, we chatted some more, and tossed out ideas of where and when the next Meet-Up will be. Details will be Posted on Facebook and Flickr groups.
From there, we went our separate directions.
When I got home, I began to transfer and process my files, and while showing my daughter my new images, I was able to show my daughter these two images, which I quickly turned into a combination “Poster”.
All and all, I think folks had a good time!
Thanks to all those folks that came out, and I look forward to our next adventure!
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As I sit here, trying to heal from another cold, I have been Flickr-ing about, and in doing so, I have noticed that my simple little picture of the small little creek near my house, has reached 1,100 views!
I think back to that day, it was the day after the first snow of the new year, and at the time, I had know idea how this capture would be received.
It just seemed such a simple capture, and simple HDR processing.
Since I posted this pictures, it has received several Flickr group awards that I am very proud to have gotten, including the following:
This capture has also allowed me to connect with many more photographers on Flickr, and share our unique visions from around the world.
Needless to say, I want to thank again all those that took the time to click on my thumbnail, and paste an award!
Talk about a game a patience and being in the right place at the right time.
Yesterday on Flickr, I connected with Steven Maguire, aka “The Eye of the Storm Photography“, who happens to me a native of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania that has now moved out to Sierra Vista, AZ.
What really impressed me, was his collection of “Lighting” captures that he has taken, and if you happen to be as interested in this type of photography, I would encourage you to take a look at his collection!
During my viewing of his captures, there are several where one can see the Lighting striking the ground, which reminded me of an article I read years ago in Scientific America on Fulgurites, and ever since then I have always wanted to see one, and maybe even find one!
Well, today, in looking up info on Fulgurite, I found the “Mineralogical Research Company”, which sells them!
I can not wait til my kids are older… From what I have read, fulgurites are VERY difficult to dig out of the ground, and have to be handled very carefully!
That being said, if you are looking for a unique gift for that “someone that has everything”…