3/15/2011 – A new group was started on Facebook that I think needs to be highlighted:
“I will open my home to a family from Japan“
It is a great idea, and if you think you can NOT afford it, remember, they have NOTHING!
If you are just waking up, there was a major 8.9 earthquake that struck Japan overnight.
This is one of the largest ever recorded, and from early reports, has caused all sorts of damage, including issues at one of the northern nuclear plants. Many after quakes have also been reported, and many of those are 6.0 and above.
On Facebook, I have gotten notice that friends/neighbors that are in China are safe and sound, I can only wait, hope and wonder for those I know on the main island.
Some of my friends and followers on the west coast, have posted that they watched video of some of the Tsunami reaching Hawaii, live.
I had the chance to go to Japan in 1994, just before the big Kobe earthquake several months late, and while I was there, a small 4.3 shook the house that I was in.
If you have never been in an earthquake, it is a very strange sensation, namely because one has no control of what is going on around you.
Needless to say, in the coming hours, days, weeks and months, there will be much sorrow, pain and suffering.
Also, be aware, that in times like this, some people will try and take advantage of donations. Be very aware of which organizations which you pledge your money.
I do not subscribe to any particular religion, but please take a moment today, to just send your thoughts to those that may have lost a great deal.
Related Sites and Info
Japanese Quake Person Finder
Earthquakes near Japan – earthquake.usgs.gov